Lesson with tea and pies

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Lesson with tea and pies

On October 10th students of 10A grade had an unusual English lesson. They had a tea party with vanilla pie and chocolate pie. Students told about themselves in English. It was interesting to learn more about each other. Students said where they are from, about their families, interests and hobbies.

It was interesting to find out that one student lives in a wooden house on an island near Astrahan. His house was brought from another island. Can you imagine, a whole house was moved from one place into another! There is no bridge to the island and the only way to get there is by ferry. Furthermore, we learned that most in our group have large families.

Moreover, we all learned that hot tea with lemon and pies encourage students not only to speak in a foreign language but also listen carefully to classmates.

Irina Ashmarina, English teacher

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